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yOUR INDUSTRY leading partner



Your Industry Leading Partner

Monday - Thursday 9 - 19 Friday 9 - 17  

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Products Portfolio

Eeart pillsRedPlantsPillsPillsWater

Services Portfolio

pharmaceutical CONSULTING services





who we are

Leading team of Experts satisfying multiple needs in the pharmaceutical industry from design and certification of facilities and processes to sales and distribution channels and logistics.


Thanks to the 10+ years global experience in multiple international and intercontinental environments, TradingFB is the partner that every organization needs to scale up revenues, optimize processes and become a global leader.


The solid team with hundreds of years experiences is granting the best outcome possible from small-scale production requests to global intercontinental operations management.



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We are always improving and investing in R&D to develop the future of the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.


Our innovation program  is always looking for new partner companies and new talents.


What are you waiting for?


Click the button below and fill the form or reach out directly via email.

We will get back to you promptly.


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